date statement


The date statement can be used to display the date and time.


Function date () is used in different ways. It always returns a string corresponding to what we asked him (hour, day, month, etc. ...).
Important: the returned parameters are those returned from the server.
To work, the function requires one or more of the following parameters:

CharMeaningPossible values
jDay of the month on two digits without leading zeros1 to 31
dDay of the month on two digits with leading zeros01 to 31
l(L tiny) Day of the week (english)Sunday to Saturday
wDay of week in digital format0 (sunday) to 6 (saturday)
zDay of the week0 to 366
WWeek number, for current month (weeks are starting on mondays)Example : 42 (week 42 of the year)
FMonth, textualJanuary to December
mMonth, in numerical format, with leading zeros01 to 12
nMonth, in numerical format, without leading zeros1 to 12
tNumber of days, in the month28 to 31
LIs it a leap year?1 if leap, else: 0.
YYear, with 4 digitsExamples : 1999 and 2003
yYear, with 2 digitsExamples : 99 and 03
aAnte meridian and post meridian (lower)am or pm
AAnte meridian and post meridian (upper)AM or PM
gHour (12h format) without leading zeros1 to 12
GHour (24h format) without leading zeos0 to 23
hHour (12h format) with leading zeros01 to 12
HHour (24h format) with leading zeros00 to 23
sSeconds, with leading zeros00 to 59
iMinutes, with leading zeros00 to 59

Code Examples:

  echo date('Y'); //Will display current year (4 digits)
  echo date('m').' '.date('Y'); //display the month on two digits and the current year in 4 digits
  echo date('m Y'); //display the month on two digits and the current year in 4 digits
  echo date('m/Y');
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