French version of Moe

Moe is a utility that displays an image on the active window of BeOS. He shows no interest, except for visual interest. It is therefore essential to your machine. I present here the French version of Moe, which I translated and recompiled. Its functionalities are identical to the original.
Here's what Moe:

Launch Moe:
    To start Moe-Fr, simply double-click the icon Lancer_Moe. It is of course possible to start Moe with other images. To do this, simply drag a file containing an image to the icon of Moe.
    Other models are expected soon. They will be available for download here, with the script to run them.

    Once the program started, simply click the right mouse button to configure the program.
    An "Advanced" menu is available by pressing CTRL + ALT + SHIFT and clicking on the figure on the screen.

User documentation:
    I am trying to capture the essence of the documentation. It will soon be available.

Official Website:
    The author's official website is here.

Questions / Comments / Remarks:
    If something does not work, do not hesitate to contact me.

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