How do I restart a failed script?

To restart a script previously failed, you just have to rerun it. It will restart from the last failed step. To force the restart from the first stop, you can use --fromscratch parameter from command line, or restart from a specific step using --fromstep parameter

My script is launched by a scheduler (or crontab), how can I know if it's running or not?

You can use the --status parameter from command line.

./ --status 
example1 status   [STOPPED] 
./ --status 
example5 status   [RUNNING][/quote]

How do I kill a running script?

To kill a script you can use the --kill parameter from command line

./ --kill 
[2017/12/20 09:30:28] Killing PID 10140 

Why do the script exit with an error?

If a command launched in the script exit with an exit status different than 0 ($?), DjeShellSteps will end with this error code. To avoid this, you can change use the true command using || true

Replace: ls /tmsd

By: ls /tmsd || true

By this way, the script will continue without any error.

How can I display a specific help message from command line?

To add a specific help message from command line, you just have to fill the Help variable inside your script.

Example: Help="<input>;Input file name|<output>;Output file name"

Will display a specific help when using --help parameter

$./ --help 
./                                (powered by DjeShellSteps v1.01) 
                                              (c) Jerome DESMOULINS 
  ./ <input> <output> 
     <input>              Input file name 
     <output>             Output file name 

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